House Rules

House Rules

At Chouchou, we are dedicated to ensuring our properties and digital environments are welcoming and secure, where our members feel free to express themselves. We prioritize fostering positive and inclusive environments, which is why we've established our Community Guidelines. These guidelines, which complement our Terms of Use and your membership terms and conditions, clarify your responsibilities and ours regarding your engagement with our physical spaces and digital platforms. Adherence to our Community Guidelines is crucial. Violations could lead to membership suspension or termination, account deactivation, or other limitations.

Chouchou Community Guidelines

  • Inappropriate Content: We prohibit content that includes or refers to nudity, sexual acts, offering sexual services, sexual stimulation, and/or sexual objectification.
  • Intellectual Property and Privacy: Please ensure you hold necessary rights and consents, including third-party intellectual property and proprietary rights, for any content you create in our spaces or online. If your content features others, ensure they're over 18 and have consented to their personal information and/or image being displayed.
  • Respecting the Chouchou Brand: Any content you produce, connections you forge, or discussions you engage in should not harm, slander, or undermine the Chouchou brand.
  • Prohibited Conduct: We don't condone content or actions that support or glorify political or religious agendas, terrorism, organized crime, or hate groups. The sale or promotion of firearms, drugs, or offensive weapons is forbidden. Any illegal activities, communication, or content within our spaces or online platforms is strictly banned.
  • Hate Speech, Bullying, and Abuse: We have zero tolerance for threats of violence, hate speech, defamatory comments, or targeting individuals based on race, ethnicity, nationality, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or health status.

If you encounter anything in our spaces or online that you believe breaches our Community Guidelines, please alert our team immediately at the beach house or through Chouchou's contact form. Let's collaborate to maintain a safe and welcoming environment for all.

At Chouchou, our commitment is to cultivate spaces that are secure and inviting, where our members, their guests, and our team members are encouraged to adhere to our behavioral standards.

Chouchou's Core Membership Values

  • Kindness and Respect: From the moment Chouchou was founded, inclusivity has been our cornerstone. We celebrate diversity in all its forms and expect everyone within our community to embrace this ethos, respecting all individuals regardless of their background, beliefs, or identity.
  • Positive Interaction: Across our global locations, we uphold respect as a fundamental value. Our members frequently recount experiences of kindness and connection, reinforcing our collective duty to reject any racist, sexist, homophobic, or abusive behavior.
  • Appropriate Conduct: While enjoyment is a key part of the Chouchou experience, we emphasize the importance of appropriate behavior. Misconduct, including substance abuse or behavior that disrupts others' experiences, will be addressed with necessary actions.
  • Communication and Feedback: We value the diverse perspectives our members bring, which help us enhance Chouchou. If you encounter any issues, we urge you to report them promptly, enabling us to maintain our community standards.

Guidelines for Membership at Chouchou

  • Membership Engagement: When you apply for membership or engage with Chouchou in any capacity, you're committing to these guidelines, reflecting your understanding and acceptance of our community standards.
  • Membership Terms: We offer various membership types, each with specific benefits and conditions, detailed on our website. Membership renewal is an annual process that requires compliance with our community standards.
  • Guest Conduct: Members can bring guests, but are responsible for their conduct. We ensure that both members and guests adhere to our values, fostering a respectful and enjoyable environment.
  • Privacy and Respect: In line with our commitment to privacy and respect, any form of harassment or invasion of privacy is strictly prohibited. We encourage respect for everyone's personal space and privacy.
  • Safety and Security: Our commitment to safety extends to our physical and digital environments. We have protocols in place to address any safety concerns and encourage members to report any issues.

Chouchou Membership Process

  • Application for Membership:
    When you apply for Chouchou membership via our website, you agree to adhere to our membership guidelines. Our Membership Committee convenes quarterly to assess and approve new members. You have the liberty to withdraw your application at any stage by contacting our membership team at Upon acceptance, you'll receive a 'Welcome to Chouchou' email, marking the commencement of your annual membership.
  • Nominating New Members:
    Chouchou members are encouraged to propose potential new members. New applicants should list their referral member in their application.
  • Renewal of Membership:
    Membership at Chouchou is renewed annually. The renewal process is not automatic; it undergoes a review by our Membership Committee, whose decisions are final.
  • Maintaining Member Information:
    Keeping your information current, including a photograph for our membership database, is crucial. By being part of Chouchou, you consent to us holding your personal and photographic information. Please update us with any changes via your member account page.
  • Membership Fees:
    Membership fees are due upon acceptance or renewal of your membership. By providing payment details, you agree to our billing process. We reserve the right to modify membership fees and will communicate any changes in advance.
  • Membership Termination:
    Failure to settle your annual fees within 2 weeks of the due date may result in access denial and potential membership termination. If you decide to resign or if your membership is canceled mid-year, you are still responsible for the full year's membership fee. Refund eligibility is at Chouchou's discretion.
  • Membership Cards:
    Your membership card, whether physical or digital, must be presented for entry into Chouchou spaces. Misuse of your membership card, such as allowing its use by non-members, may lead to membership suspension or termination. Please report lost or stolen cards immediately.
  • Membership Rights and Privileges:
    As a Chouchou member, you're entitled to specific rights and privileges within our spaces, adhering to our membership rules, but without ownership rights over any Chouchou property or premises.

By joining Chouchou, you commit to these terms, contributing to the vibrancy and respectfulness of our community.

Using Chouchou Beach House Dubai

  • Guests
    Members are permitted to bring up to three guests with them to the Houses at any one time, although please be aware that during very busy times we may have to restrict member/guest access to certain areas of the House. A member’s guests may not enter the House without that member being present. Members may not be separated from their guests within the House or allow their guests to remain in the House when they leave. Members are responsible for ensuring that their guests follow all House rules and policies, even when the member is not in the company of their guests, and a member may face suspension or termination of their membership if their guests violate such rules or policies.
    Guests beach access:
    • Kids under 10: 100 AED
    • Adult and teenager: 250 AED /350 AED on weekends
  • Children
    Children are considered children from age 0 to 14.
    The Beach house is designed for adults, but aim to be child-friendly. Please be considerate of other members when you bring children, who count as part of your guest allowance. Childen are welcome only in Children-friendly areas :
    • Beach everyday. Friday, Saturday and Sunday Children are accepted on Day time only – except on exclusive soirées. Children must leave the beach by the restaurant first service at 7 pm.
    • Restaurant everyday for lunch and dinner only for the 1st service 7-9pm.
    Children are not allowed at all times at:
    • the Members Les Salons and terrace upstairs
    • the pool
    Please remember that your children are your responsibility at all times when present in the House, and ensure they are not left unattended at any time. Our house may require that children become a member in order to gain entry or access certain facilities. For more information, please see our FAQs
  • The Beach and pool
    The beach is accessible at any open hours. The pool is an Adult-only area. We accept reservations for beach and pool seating only for arrival prior to 11 am. After 11 am we have a first come first serve system. Cabanas beds prices both for week days and weekends are at 1000 AED with a maximum occupancy per cabana of 4 people including children.
  • Animals
    No animals are allowed in the Houses, except for legally recognised service animals. For more information, please see the House FAQs
  • Bills
    All bills must be settled in full before leaving the House; there is no option for members to pay at a later date. Members are also responsible for their guests’ bills. If a member’s bill or their guests’ bill is not paid, the member will be charged on it’s credit card on file and may face suspension of their membership.
  • House environment
    Our House is designed to be casual, relaxed spaces. Members and their guests should be mindful of the events they host and how they dress in order to maintain this environment.
  • Respecting privacy
    In view of the fact that our beach house is a private place away from the media, members and their guests should be mindful of approaching people who may deem it as unwanted attention and may not wish to be disturbed. Doing so may lead to suspension or termination of membership.
  • Mobile phones and laptops
    To maintain the relaxed atmosphere within the House, members may only take or make phone calls and use laptops in designated areas at certain times. Members must ensure that their guests adhere to our phone and laptops policy.
  • Cameras and recording devices
    No cameras, video or other recording devices, whether live-streaming or otherwise and whether on a mobile phone or another medium, may be used while in the House. Members are responsible for ensuring that their guests also adhere to this rule. The Beach House reserves the right to take possession of and confiscate any mobile phone, camera, video or other recording device and any photos, videos or other recorded images used or taken while on the premises. There’s one designated area where pictures are allowed only facing the sea.
  • Audio and video content
    All audio and video content, internet-based calls and meetings must only be played through headphones and should not be audible to any other members or guests present. Internet-based calls can only be made and taken in designated phone call areas within the House. Music cannot be played on personal devices.
  • Food and drinks
    Any external food or drink, is not allowed to be brought into or consumed in the House. This includes items such as packed lunches, snacks or alcoholic drinks. The only exception to this is if there is a valid medical reason or babies food for babies under 2 years old.
  • Smoking
    No smoking or vaping of any kind is allowed inside the House at any time. Chouchou reserves the right to prohibit or limit smoking in any external area of the House premises at any time at its sole and absolute discretion.

    Chouchou reserves the right to designate certain outside areas of the House premises as smoking areas and to change the location of such areas at any time. However, all members and their guests are requested to respect the wishes of other members and their guests with respect to smoking, and to refrain from smoking when requested to do so.
  • Private hire and House maintenance
    Chouchou may at times, with or without notice, close all or part of the House to members and their guests for private events or for necessary maintenance, repair or redecoration work. We will seek to ensure that any such area, facility or service is reinstated as soon as practicable. Chouchou reserves the right to compensate members for any closures through any method that they see fit.

    Where we close part of the House for private events, please refrain from communicating any information about the event to third parties via any medium.
  • Use of equipment and facilities
    Use of any of the facilities available at the House is entirely at the risk of a member or guest.

    When using any equipment and facilities available at the Houses, you must take care to safeguard your own health and safety, and that of other people. You will be solely responsible for any loss or injury that you cause to yourself, other persons, or to the equipment or facilities through your unsafe or improper use of the equipment or facilities. This includes your use of them while under the influence of alcohol or medication, or your failure to advise staff of a medical condition relevant to your use of the equipment or facilities.
  • Post
    In exceptional cases, members may send personal post and packages to the Houses. This facility is only available to members if they have made arrangements in advance with the House, and the General Manager has agreed to accept post and packages on their behalf. All post sent to the House is sent entirely at the member’s risk and Chouchou shall not be liable for any loss, damage or destruction to any post or package. If post is not collected within a reasonable amount of time, Chouchou may dispose of it or return to sender as it sees fit. If any customs, duties or handling charges are due, the member agrees all such costs will be borne by them.
  • Entering and leaving the Houses
    All members and their guests are asked to respect our nearby residents by being quiet when entering or leaving the House premises, or while in the surrounding area. Please also be respectful when driving to or from House premises.
  • Constitution
    The House is constituted to encourage non-political, social and recreational activities.
    17. Chouchou House Rule on Guest Conduct
    At Chouchou, we are committed to maintaining a respectful and safe environment that reflects our values and the high standards expected by our members. We kindly request that all members and their guests uphold the integrity of our community by ensuring that those they invite into the club are aligned with the club’s ethos and regulations. Chouchou reserves the right to discreetly verify the purpose and nature of each visit to ensure it adheres to our club’s policies and the respectful atmosphere we cherish.


  • Drugs, substances and items
    No member or guest shall purchase, use, ingest, possess, sell or otherwise distribute illegal drugs or other substances, or attempt to do any of the same with any member or guest. No member or guest shall ask any Chouchou staff for illegal drugs or other substances while on House premises, or in the immediate vicinity thereof. No member or guest shall occupy a closed bathroom stall with anyone else. If any of the actions above prove true, the relevant member and/or guest will be removed from the House and the membership in question will be terminated.

    No member or guest shall purchase, sell, use or possess any object that is illegal or offensive while on House premises or in the immediate vicinity thereof. If any such objects are found, the item will be confiscated, the relevant member and/or guest will be removed from the House, the membership in question will be terminated and, depending on the circumstances, we may have to call the police or relevant authorities.
  • Firearms (and weapons)
    In the interest of the safety of our members, guests, and employees, Chouchou restricts members and guests from bringing firearms (or weapons) to Chouchou properties – even in communities where it is permitted by law.
  • Disclosing member and guest identity
    The House operates a strict non-disclosure policy of sharing details of any other member, guest, private hire or member event in the public domain. This includes press and all social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and personal blogs. Members will be held accountable if they or their guests are found breaking this policy.
  • Disciplinary procedure
    Conduct by a member or guest that is prejudicial to the reputation and character of Chouchou may result in suspension or expulsion of such member or guest. Such conduct may include inappropriate, violent or abusive behaviour, or the communication of information concerning the House affairs, members or their guests in the House to the media. An expelled member may not return to any House as a guest. A refund of the expelled member’s subscription will be at the discretion of Chouchou. Any member or members who wilfully remove, damage or destroy any property belonging to the House, or to members or guests on the premises of the House, will be liable to expulsion and/or suspension or termination of their membership.

    Every member binds themselves to abide by the rules, bylaws and regulations of Chouchou at all times upon acceptance as a member. If Chouchou considers that any member’s (or their guests) conduct either inside or outside of the House premises is, at its absolute discretion, contrary to the interests of Chouchou, Chouchou may with immediate effect expel the member or guest from the House premises, and/or suspend or terminate that member’s membership without having to give any reason to such member or guest.

    If a member is placed on suspension for any reason, Chouchou reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to charge and collect such member’s membership dues and fees during such period of suspension, should they so arise.

Membership Committee

  • Membership review
    Members who don’t follow these values and standards of behaviour risk their membership being reviewed by the Membership Committee. This could result in your membership being suspended or revoked. Members are also responsible for ensuring that their guests follow these same rules, and if these are violated the same repercussions will apply to the member.

    The process for this is as follows:

    An incident involving a member or their guest(s) either happens at Chouchou premises, an offsite event, or in circumstances that may affect our members.

    The membership team reviews the incident and sources witness statements.

    The membership of the member(s) involved is paused while this investigation is happening.

    Once all the facts have been reviewed, the Membership Committee decides on a final decision.

    This decision is communicated to the member(s) and they are either given a caution, or their membership is suspended or terminated.

    In the event of any dispute arising as to the meaning or interpretation of these rules, the matter shall be referred to the Membership Committee who will decide on the status of a member's future use of the Houses. This decision is final and without appeal. These rules shall be governed and construed in accordance with Dubai law and each member agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of UAE.

Amendments to the House rules

From time to time, Chouchou may, in its sole and absolute discretion, amend our House rules in the best interest of our members, guests and/or employees. Please be aware that such amended House rules shall apply to you at all times.

Please check for the latest version of our House rules.

Privacy and data

  • Your personal information
    We will use the personal information you provide us in connection with your membership in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
  • Confidentiality
    Chouchou management and all staff members are required to adhere to the strictest confidentiality standards, and pledge to maintain all records and personal information concerning the members and their guests in the strictest confidence.

House events

While you are a member or a guest at our House, we may ask you to give your views of, and experiences at, Chouchou. We may also film, video or photograph our member events and activities at our Houses for use in our membership programmes, as well as advertising, promotions, public relations, and other commercial/business purposes. If you take part in these interviews or events, you agree to us using your name, image and limited other information. You also consent to us publishing any materials produced by, or for, us for any purpose without your further consent, and you waive your right to receive any payment from us in connection with such publication. When we host events in the House that we are recording, we will endeavour to display signs to make this clear to members and guests.

Safety and Security

  • Accidents and injuries
    We want all our members and guests to relax and enjoy the activities and facilities available at our Houses safely. Please be aware that some of our House is set by the beach and sea these features that can be hazardous. Members and their guests agree to observe the House rules and any signs published or displayed at our House at any time; to only swim in designated areas; and to take reasonable precautions when travelling around the grounds or using the facilities at the House.
    If a member or guest has an accident or suffers any injury at, or in the vicinity of, the House, please report this as soon as possible to a member of staff and, in any event, within 24 hours of the incident. As well as making our members’ and guests’ wellbeing a priority, this information is needed in order to help us comply with our health and safety obligations and for insurance purposes.
  • Liability of Chouchou
    All items brought into and/or left in the Houses are entirely at the risk of the member or their guests. Chouchou, its servants and/or agents shall not be liable to any member or guest for any loss, damage or injury suffered by them or their property howsoever caused, save in respect of death or personal injury to a member or guest to the extent caused by the gross negligence of Chouchou, its servants and/or agents. This is not intended to affect any mandatory rights a member or guest may have under local law that we cannot legally restrict or exclude.
  • CCTV
    Members and their guests should be aware that for safety reasons, we use CCTV across all of the House. We do not provide CCTV footage, except pursuant to a police request as part of an active investigation, or as required by subpoena or law.

Contacting us

Should you have any questions regarding your membership and/or our House rules, please contact us at

Chouchou's Commitment

• Chouchou is dedicated to maintaining these standards, ensuring our spaces remain welcoming and respectful for all. Members who fail to adhere to these values may face consequences, including membership review or termination.

We are constantly inspired by our members and are committed to evolving and adapting our guidelines to reflect our growing and diverse community.

By engaging with Chouchou, you agree to uphold these values and contribute to a respectful, inclusive, and enjoyable environment for all.

With love, Your Chouchou team.